Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Computer engineer

Computer engineer is the one who likes laptop on his lap and finger on keyboard more than anything else.
-- SA

Other day I had my mobile on my desk and I fall to use it as mouse quite a few time.

Above 100%

Anything beyond 100 percent should be counted in reverse.
-- SA

What's the point to say "500% guaranteed"? Putting more emphasize or something?
Well you do that when it really need. To me 500% is -100 %.

(Ohh, you thought -400 % !?!)

linux world

If computer science is a world, Linux undoubtedly is the best known place to be in.
-- SA

Windows v/s Linux

The difference is that you can "grep" for Linux but can't even "touch" on windows.
-- SA

Call it my love for Linux or frustration with windows. Its just to state what Linux offers (specially to its engineers).

Thursday, April 3, 2008


"There are many victories worse than a defeat."
-- George Eliot


"Obvious is .... boring."

Best process

"No process is best. You need to find the lesser devil."

Taken from blog "Three reason why scrum sucks!"


“She cried – and the judge wiped her tears with my chequebook.”
-- Tommy Manville

In respect of IPC 498A. God save the ... poor !!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


"God is anonymous ........ so am I :-) "
-- SA